北京龙泉寺“九·十九”观音菩萨出家日法会 多语种分会场报名通知 时逢农历九月十九日观世音菩萨出家日,龙泉寺将举办2天盛大的观音法会(10月15日星期六至10月16日星期日),祈祷国泰民安,世界和平,消灾免难。 同期,将设立多语种分会场,面向广大外语爱好者,举办多语诵经(英、法、俄、德、日、韩、西等语言的《法华经》等经典)、英文早课、寺院巡礼、法师对话、静坐体验、蒙山超度等一系列独特的文化生活体验活动,不仅可以深入了解现代佛教寺院,更可以对佛教文化中的“慈悲”加深理解。 来吧!这个周末,让我们相聚于北京凤凰岭山麓下的千年古刹龙泉寺,来追求内心慈悲与智慧的成长! 欢迎踊跃参与!并把这份殊胜的因缘分享给您的亲朋好友! 观音菩萨妙难酬,清净庄严累劫修, 三十二应周尘刹,百千万劫化阎浮, 瓶中甘露常遍洒,手内杨柳不计秋, 千处祈求千处应,苦海常作度人舟。 南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨摩诃萨! 一、活动时间:2011年10月15日~10月16日 二、活动地点:北京市海淀区龙泉寺路27号北京龙泉寺 三、报名条件: 1. 招收范围:广大外语爱好者; 2. 参加者身心健康,无突发性及传染性疾病; 3. 申请报名请填写报名表(附近期照片),发至本活动指定电子邮箱(见下),或将打印稿直接交给联系人。 四、报到时间: 参加法会的人员请于2011年10月14日(周五)13:00持个人有效证件(限于皈依证、身份证、护照)到北京龙泉寺接待处报到。 五、注意事项: 1. 寺院内食宿全程免费; 2. 请自觉遵守寺院各堂口规约; 3. 洗漱用具等基本生活用品请自备(寺院可提供脸盆); 4. 山上早晚温差大,气温普遍比市区低3~4℃,请一定注意添加衣服; 六、联系方式 联系人:周师姐,郑师姐 咨询电话:13910164961,15010000106 附1:学员报名表 学 员 报 名 表 | | | | | | | 是否学佛 Learn Buddhism or Not | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 详细通讯地址 (邮编) Detailed Address (Postal Code) | | 是否全程 Attend the Whole Course or Not □是Yes (10.15 ~10.16) □否No (10. ~10. ) | | | 紧急联系人姓名及电话 Emergency Contacts (Name and Cell Phone) | | | | | | | | | | | |
附2:北京龙泉寺交通路线图及说明 1.若自驾车,于三环路苏州桥处北行,过万泉河路、圆明园西路(中国农业大学西校)、永丰路北行,至永丰乡西拐沿北清路西行,过六环路后,北拐沿温北路直行,见凤凰岭指路牌西拐,至凤凰岭自然风景公园,入东门直行约三百米即到龙泉寺。 2.乘公交车至颐和园,或乘地铁4号线至西苑站后西行至颐和园,然后换乘346路公交车至凤凰岭总站下车,向前直行入凤凰岭自然风景公园,继续直行约三百米即到寺院。 Advance Notice of Multi-lingual Dharma Assemblycelebration of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva`s Renunciation On the occasion of the renunciation dateof Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on 19thSeptember 2011 of Chinese Lunar year , Beijing Longquan Monastery will beholding a grand dharma assembly for two days from 15th to 16th Oct (Sat-Sun) celebratethe event praying for the stability and settlement of people and country, andpeace of the world as well as for the extermination of all disasters. A multi-lingual dharma assembly will beheld in the same period, providing opportunity for all foreign languageenthusiastists to recite dharma in different languages (the texts of The Wonderful Dharma of Lotus Flower Sutra inEnglish, French, Russia, Germany, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, ), participating the unique series of cultural lifeexperiencing activities like the morning reciting sessions, tour of themonastery, communication with masters, still-sitting and the session ofMongshan Expiating. Throughparticipation of the assembly, not only you can have deeper knowledge of amodern Buddhist temple, also you will better understand the meaning of “mercyand sympathy” in the Buddhism. You are very welcome to join us, we lookforward to meeting with you in the thousand-year old Longquan Monastery at thefoot of Phoenix Ridge in Beijing.Let us join together to pursue the mercy and sympathy inside our hearts andgrowth of our wisdom. Your immediate participation is very muchwelcome and our appreciation to you that you could pass this wonderfulinformation to your families and friends. 1. Time: 15-16 October, 2011 2. Venue: Beijing Longquan Monastery (No. 27, Longquan Rd.,Haidian District, Beijing) 3. Terms and Conditions of Enrolment: 1) Scope of Enrolment: foreign languageenthusiasts 2) Theparticipants should be sound in body and mind, without acute or infectiousdisease. 3) Participants prepared to attend all the activities from 15-16 October are preferred. 4) Applicants should fill in the registrationform (enclosed with your recent photograph), and email it to [url=mailto [email protected]] [email protected][/url] , or print and present the form to the contact persons. 4. Time for enrolment: Please register at the Reception of Longquan Monastery at 13 pm. on Oct. 14. Please bring your certificates with you (ID card,passport, or refuge-taking certificate). 6. Matters needing attention 1) Free accommodation in the monastery; 2) Please keep to the regulations in themonastery; 3) Please bring with you the basic toiletries for daily use (there are basins in the monastery). 4) please bring thick clothes with you as thetemperature is 3-4 degrees lower than that in the city and sharp drop of temperature between morning andevening . 7. Contact for the Event Main Contact: Zhou Shaoyi, Phone: 13910164961, Appendix 1: Application form for participants | | | | | | | 是否学佛 Learn Buddhism or Not | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 详细通讯地址 (邮编) Detailed Address (Postal Code) | | 是否全程 Attend the Whole Course or Not □是Yes (10.15 ~10.16) □否No (10. ~10. ) | | | 紧急联系人姓名及电话 Emergency Contacts (Name and Cell Phone) | | | | | | | | | | | |
Appendix 2:Riding Route andRoadmap for BeijingLongquan Monastery 1. By car: Suzhou Bridge (3rd Ring Road)—Wanquan Road— Yuanmingyuan West Road—Yongfeng Road—YongfengVillage—Beiqing Raod—6th RingRoad—Wenbei Road—Fenghuangling(Phoenix Ridge)—Nature Park—Longquan Monastery 2. By public transit: Subway Line No.4—Beigongmen (North Gate ofSummer Palace)—Bus No.346—Fenghuangling (Phoenix Ridge Park, the final station)—Longquan Monastery file:///C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image004.jpg