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发表于 2015-11-15 20:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

●[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks]什么叫「居士」? Who are the lay people? 什么叫「五戒」? What are the five precepts?
◎ 什么叫「居士」?
◎ Who are the lay people?

A layperson is someone who believes in Buddhism, upholds the five precepts, and practices the ten good deeds and who has not left the home-life.

◎ 什么叫「五戒」?
◎ What are the five precepts?

They are the precepts against killing, stealing, engaging in sexual misconduct, and taking intoxicants. People who have received the five precepts are called lay people.

◎ 什么叫「十善」?
◎ What are the ten good deeds?

The ten good deeds are just the opposite of ten bad deeds. The ten bad deeds are: killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct, which are done by the body; greed, hatred, and ignorance, which belong to the mind; and lying, loose speech, harsh speech, and divisive speech, which are committed by the mouth. Notice that the offenses of the mouth account for almost half of the ten.

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