僧伽吒 samghata 梵文意思 更精确是 “集合”“汇集”“聚集”“众合”“集会”的意思!而解释为 “连接”“连系”是非常不恰当的!
http://www2.fodian.net/BaoKu/ResourceLink.aspx?ID=RLC00000021 | saMghAta | m. (n.) stroke, blow, hurt; shutting (of a door); collision, contest, fight; close union, aggregate, complex, collection, heap, mass; composition of words or formation of compounds (g.). | Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Search Results1 | saMghAta | &c. see s.v. | 2 | saMghAta | m. (rarely n. ; ifc. f. %{A}) striking or dashing together , killing , crushing MBh. Sus3r. ; closing (of a door &c.) VS. TBr. ; combat , war , bittle VS. Ka1t2h. MBh. ; compressing , condensation , compactness , hardening Ya1jn5. Hariv. Sus3r. VarBr2S. ; close union or combination , collection , cluster , heap , mass , multitude TS. MBh. &c. ; a company of fellow-travellers , caravan VP. ; a collection of mucus , phlegm (cf. %{saMghANaka}) L. ; a bone L. ; any aggregate of matter , body Bhag. Pur. ; intensity R. Sus3r. ; a poem composed in one and the same metre Ka1vya7d. ; (in gram.) a compound as a compact whole (opp. to its single parts) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 56 ; a vowel with its consonant (opp. to %{varNa} , `" a letter "') , Ka1t2y. ; (in dram.) a partic. gait or mode of walking W. ; N. of a division of the infernal regions (cf. %{saMhAta}) Ya1jn5. Buddh. ; %{-kaThina} mfn. hard or firm or solid from compactness Kum. ; %{-cArin} mfn. living in herds , gregarious Sus3r. ; %{-ja} mfn. produced by a complicated derangement of the three humours (= %{saMnipAtika}) Bhpr. ; %{-pattrikA} f. Anethum Sowa L. ; %{-parvata} m. N. of two mountains in hell (which open and then close) Ja1takam. ; %{-vat} mfn. having close union , closely compacted , dense Ka1m. ; %{-vihArin} (?) m. N. of Buddha DivyA7v. ; %{-zUla-vat} mfn. suffering pain from bodily oppression Sus3r. | 3 | saMghaTa | mf(%{A})n. heaped , piled up AgP. | 4 | saMghATa | m. fitting and joining of timber , joinery , carpentry R. ; a pot (?) DivyA7v. ; (ifc.) = %{saM-ghAta} (in %{pada-} and %{varNa-s-} , qq.vv.) ; %{-sUtra} n. N. of a Buddhist Su1tra. | 5 | saMghAta | &c. see col. 1. | 6 | sAMghAta | mfn. (fr. %{saM-ghAta}) = %{saM-ghAte@dIyate} , or %{kAryam} g. %{vyuSTA7di}. | 梵英詞典Capeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary 有50,000 個條目
(1)《梵英梵网路字典》 Online Sanskrit-English-Sanskrit Dictionary http://reality.sgi.com/atul/sanskrit/dict/
(2)古梵英辞典检索Apte Sanskrit Dictionary Search http://aa2411s.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~tjun/sktdic/
(3)梵法辞典Sanskrit-to-French dictionary http://pauillac.inria.fr/~huet/SKT/indo.html
(4)线上梵文字典 http://sanskrit.gde.to/atul/newdict/main.html
(5)梵文字典Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie/tamil/mwd_search.html
自《Monier Williams Sanskrit Dictionary》选出160.000 个条目
(6)梵英词典Capeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie/tamil/cap_search.html
有50.000 个条目
(7)Dr. Kalyanraman's编的印度古典语 Lexicon of Indian Languages (Indo-European and Dravidian)
(8)法梵辞典Andre Signoret's French-Sanskrit dictionary http://asignoret.free.fr/index.html 有提供下载
参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2765421.html 2.http://www2.fodian.net/fodict_online/佛学大辞典 查询 “僧伽吒”(术语)又作僧伽多。译曰集会 【僧伽吒经(四卷或作三卷)元魏优禅尼国王子月婆首那译与《佛说大集会正法经》同本先出。旧人不察。收入密部。 大正新修大藏经(简)
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