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[说说布施网] 男孩和女孩看到的世界

发表于 2010-1-7 13:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

有个女孩,她喜欢初开的花朵,刚刚升起的星星,漂亮的小狗, 这种喜欢,让她深深迷恋乃至头晕目眩,也让她很少注意他们的消逝。 There was a girl who fell in love with many things. She would fall in love with a newly blossomed flower. She would fall in love with the rising stars. She would fall in love with a puppy... Sometimes, her feelings of attachment to what she liked were so strong that they overwhelmed her. They made her dizzy and short of breath. However, she seldom notices these things' passing away. 有个男孩,他常常为很多事情伤感: 凋谢的花儿,落下的星星,丢失的小狗...... 他非常不喜欢看到这些事物, 这种伤感让他头晕目眩,也让他很少注意到他们的初生。 There was a boy whose heart broke over many things. He would fall apart at seeing a withered flower. He would fall apart over the setting stars. He would fall apart over a lost puppy... Sometimes, his feelings of aversion to what he disliked were so strong that they overwhelmed him. They made him dizzy and short of breath. However, he seldom notices these things' coming into being. 有一天,男孩和女孩相遇了,他们交换着彼此的经历。 One day, the girl met the boy. They talked to each other about their experiences. 让男孩和女孩觉得奇怪的是, 他们对同样的事物的不同状态, 有着完全相反的感情,却为之感到相同的迷惘, 这并不在于这些事物的生灭本身, 而在于他们太过执着于因这些事物生灭而产生的喜欢和伤感。 他们也开始意识到,他们并不能完全留意这些事物的生灭, 有一段时间,他们试图让自己的心变得像岩石一样麻木,以避免因感觉生灭造成的痛苦, 但是他们并不能假装那些情绪的变化没有发生。 于是,他们闭上眼睛,不再观察花儿,星星,小狗的生灭, 转而开始观察自身内心的变化, 一下子发现,自己内心的念头, 也同样存在着不断生生灭灭的过程, 当他们再次睁开眼睛的时候, 他们开始领悟,原来只要保持内心的平和, 他们可以欣赏到花儿,星星,小狗的每一刻的美景, 即使他们处在不停的变化之中。 To their surprise, they had opposite feelings over similar things in opposite states, yet they suffered the same way. The problem wasn't the flowers, stars or puppies. The problem wasn't their arrival or departure. The problem was attachment to the presence of what they loved and aversion to the absence of the beloved. They realised they were not mindful of the rising and falling of all things. For a while, they wondered if they should become unfeeling to avoid suffering, to be like rocks. But it was impossible to pretend their feelings which come and go do not exist. Instead of watching flowers, stars and puppies, they decided to observe their feelings carefully. Suddenly, they realise they too rise and fall like all other things. When they opened their eyes, they realised they could appreciate the flowers, stars and puppies as they were in the moment, even if they changed in time... without losing peace of mind. 男孩和女孩体会到:如果不过于执着, 他们反而可以真正地去珍惜每一刻,这才是真正的爱: 爱,要能接受被爱的对象的变化, 爱,要能接受被爱的对象出现并不如我们期待的变化, 变化是不可避免的, 如果我们不能平静地面对,痛苦也将不可避免。 内心的平和在于学会平静地接受一切变化, 然而,这也不是让我们变成麻木不仁的石头,任由这个世界发生任何变化, 作为这个世界的一部分, 我们可以选择用积极的态度,让这个世界变得更加美好, 例如环境保护,不管贫富贵贱,人人有责... As the boy and girl learnt, it is possible to treasure things as they are in the moment, while not being attached to them in the moment. This is the nature of True Love ——to be able to love without expectations of the beloved remaining unchanged, ——to be able to love without expecting the beloved to change to the way we desire. Change is inevitable. If we do not make peace with the inevitable, suffering is inevitable. Peace can only be attained when one is at ease with change. However, this is not to say we should just sit back like lifeless rocks and let the world change in whatever way it does. Being part of all changes in this world, we can choose to actively make positive changes for bettering the world too. In fact, this is the only way the world can change for the better. For instance, the dismal fate of the environment ultimately lies in the hands of everyone in this world —to various extents—be we rich or poor, powerful or weak. Everyone is responsible in some way; no one is free of responsibility. 因为万事万物时时在变化,所以,我们要珍惜他们存在的每一刻。 Because everything changes from moment to moment, we should treasure everything in this moment. 因为万事万物时时在变化,所以,我们不要过于执着于他们存在的那一刻。 Because everything changes from moment to moment, we should not be attached to anything in this moment.
发表于 2010-1-7 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

发表于 2010-1-7 17:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

发表于 2010-1-7 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

发表于 2010-1-7 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

发表于 2010-1-11 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 15:53 编辑

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