本帖最后由 天祥 于 2014-9-30 10:42 编辑
同性恋——来生愿作连体婴 —— 摘录自《宣化上人开示录》 但是犹有一个更严重的问题,关乎全人类,不可不提,就是现时同性恋者,日益猖獗,好像在纽约,三潘市等,同性恋者有几十万人,甚至当今的政府官员,竟公认自己是同性恋者,赞成同性恋,呼吁社会应赞成同性恋者结婚,当知,同性恋是违背天地之理,忤逆人伦之恶行。在其后面皆由妖魔鬼怪所怂恿,煽风点火叫人直奔地狱门。 刚才,说男女痴爱,誓言‘在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。’男女结婚,是通行之大路,所谓‘男女之事,人之大伦’。假若顺生死路,结婚生子,也没有背逆天道,可是搞同性恋却是违背天理,违背伦理,违背生理的妖孽。果报是来生为连体婴。现在世上出现连体婴,已日有所闻。在不久的将来,当会出现很多的‘连体畜生’。因为自作妖孽,最卑鄙下流的邪行,势必沦为畜生。 是故,诸位若未学佛,在外边不守规矩,肆无忌惮,犹不足为怪。可是,若学佛了,则必须深明因果道理,丝毫不犯—— 小心!小心! Next Life,I Want to Be a Siamese Twin from Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's talk given in 1994: Chapter 6。 - Next Life,I Want to Be a Siamese Twin The opinion I just expressed is not at all over-stated,and I am certainly not scolding people。 Such depraved behavior actually does go on in Buddhism,and that is why Buddhism cannot prosper。 Although I could have avoided mentioning that matter,there is another,more serious issue concerning all mankind,which I must bring up。 That is,homosexuals nowadays are getting more rampant all the time。 In New York and San Francisco,for instance,there are several hundred thousand homosexuals。 These days,even government officials openly admit to being homosexual,support homosexuality,and proclaim that the society should support homosexual marriages。 You should know that homosexuality is an evil practice which goes against the principles of Heaven and Earth and contradicts human obligations。 Behind it are demons,ghosts,and goblins egging people on,fanning the flames,telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells。 Earlier I mentioned the stupid love between a man and a woman,and their oath,"In the heavens,we vow to be birds who share a wing。 On the earth,we vow to be trees whose branches intertwine。" The marriage of a man and a woman is the accepted custom everywhere。 As it is said,"The matter between a man and a woman is the great obligation of mankind。" If you're following the road of birth and death,then getting married and having children does not go against the way of Heaven。 On the other hand,homosexuality is a perverted behavior which contradicts natural law,human ethics,and biological structure。 Its retribution is to be born as a Siamese twin in the next life。 In the world now,we have heard about the birth of Siamese twins for some time。 In the near future,many Siamese animal twins will appear。 Since these people have committed perverse acts of evil and engaged in the most vulgar and depraved sort of conduct,they will inevitably undergo rebirth in the lower path of animals。 - Ven。 Master Hsuan Hua http://www。drba。org/dharma/hsuanhuabio。asp
五年医治无效,佛门立见神奇! … [size=+0]