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[大德开示] [第二届世界佛教论坛论文集]科学、信息科技与佛教传播

发表于 2014-4-9 13:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

关键词:科学 信息科技 佛教传播 媒体素养
科学与宗教之间的关系远比人们想象的要复杂的多。在西方社会,天主教为科学的奠定和发展做出过很大的贡献,但是,科学的发展使它本身成为天主教最大的敌人。在启蒙世纪之前,宗教是支配社会最主要的力量,真理牢牢掌握在教会手中,任何事情的对错都取决于教会的态度(何建民,1998,p.159-163)。比如,教会说地球是宇宙的中心,任何人对此提出质疑或反对,都会受到象哥白尼和伽利略们那样的惩罚。但是,严酷的惩罚并没有阻挡人们探寻真理的愿望,科学和理性的壮大,使人们更加清楚的认识自己和世界。自17世纪起,在公众的压力之下,天主教内部的一些有识之士已经开始考虑展开宗教和现代科学之间对话的必要性(赵敦华,1995, p.635)。本文拟首先探讨现代科学与宗教之间的关系,然后解读信息科技对佛教的重要性和对佛教传播的影响,最后试图为信息科技给佛教组织和个体带来的负面作用寻求答案。
“甲午战争” (1894-1895)战败之后,中国社会出现了一种学习西方科技、政治和民主法制的呼声,当时,严复、康有为、梁启超、章太炎、孙中山等极力鼓吹科学技术对建立一个强大国家的重要性(何建民,1998,p.166)。不幸的是,后来,这种呼声走向了极端:用科学、艺术、哲学代替宗教。新文化运动的先驱陈独秀先生就相信宗教是科学的敌人,对他来说,所有的宗教都是人类想象力的产物。“[它]既超脱客观之想象,复抛弃主观之理性,凭空构造,有假定而无实证 …… 当今浅化之民,有想象而无科学。宗教美文,皆想象时代之产物”(唐晓锋,2007,p.155)。其次,陈独秀从宗教创立的角度上推断它最终会消亡,他坚信科学是人类将来真实的信解行证,一切宗教,皆在废弃之列“真能决疑,厥惟科学。故余主张以科学带宗教,开拓吾人真实之信仰,虽缓终达”(陈独秀,1917)。
近些年来,中国经济的飞速发展刺激和保障了科技的发展,很多民众想知道佛教到底怎么看科学?王萌(2008,p.29)指出佛教和天主教其实在哲学、逻辑思维、伦理道德、人生观以及世界观上有着根本性的区别,这种对人类生命和世界的独特认知反而为佛教和科学之间的对话奠定了基础。黄夏年(2008,p.95)和杨曾文(2008,p. 141)也认为佛教从来就不是一个反科学的宗教,相反,佛教总是吸收科学经验和成果为自我的发展所用,这种对科学的开明态度不仅在当代中国,甚至可以追溯到古代印度。释圣严(1987,p.36-54)也相信佛教不同于科学,但是它非常科学,象菩萨所学的“五明”,其中“工巧明”和“医方明”就要求作为菩萨必须要掌握一定的工程技术和医药科学等。
几乎在半个世界之前,McLuhan(1965,p.3-8)曾说媒介是一个信号,是对人的拓展。也许,他是在说任何媒介的个人或者社会结果其实是我们人自身的延续,任何新的进展或者发明也是我们人自身的发展。当今的新媒介如英特网,其实也是人自身的拓展,从一方面它促进了个体和社会的发展,但从另一方面它却制造了很多新的问题。在个人、组织和国家不断深入虚空间的同时,这些网上活动的安全性成为社会的新挑战。媒介,在这种意义上为犯罪或暴力活动创造了条件,这些虚空间的不利因素所衍生的暴力活动也直接对社会利益造成威胁(Hundley & Anderson,1995-1996, p.19)。另外,在网上建立的各种关系、虚拟身份、隐私、欺骗、剽窃、谣言、虚假新闻、更严重的象网上色情与赌博等这些都是学者、父母、学校甚至整个社会关注的焦点问题(Parks & Floyd, 2009)。
以中国汉传佛教为例,自唐宋佛教丛林制度完善以降,佛教的弘扬和传播始终围绕着僧团和寺院展开,注重僧团素质,人才培养,讲经修学,经典翻译,并注重法统和师承,僧团的师徒之间、僧人与信众之间,基本上是一种面对面的交流方式。中国禅宗也基本上是以这种方式延续和光大。观机逗教,因人施教,不拘泥于教条主义,使禅宗学人在生活中、在言行举止、待人接物中得到悟处。根据Conze(1951,p. 6)的观点,佛教禅宗曾说我们看到的所有东西都是虚假的,他们虚假是因为我们运用了语言去描述他们。“那些常说的人并不懂得,那些懂得的人常常不说”,在禅宗来说,沉默不会隐藏真相。如果有人必须要打破沉默,那么那种表达方式也许是惊人的,在禅宗意义上这些都被被称为“方便法门”。换句话也就是说,一个人的所说或许会对他人在觉悟的层次上有所帮助,所以,简单来说佛教禅宗就是一种简洁的对觉悟的传播,它不强调人在行为上“做什么”而是思想上的证悟和思维上的转换。由于没有现代传播媒介的助力,刻版印经、经像法物流通等成为当时最重要的传播手段,传统佛教的这种方式因传播成本高昂、传播范围和人数的限制而发展缓慢,但千百年来它取得的效果却是有目共睹的。
纵观佛教历史,佛教的传播方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。从寺院、僧团为中心的授教、各种法会活动的举办、亲身修学实践到今天科技包装起来的演讲、活动、表演等。传播的方式多样性利益了更多有缘众生,但是,当今社会的商业化、市场化、旅游景点化趋势对佛教寺院、尤其是景区寺院造成了很大冲击。很多景区寺院在今天把更多的精力放在寺院的经济利益上,但对于信众和社会大众真正对佛法的需求却不甚重视。在过去,寺院是僧团居住、修学和教化的场所,但是今天,寺院的主要功能却变成了旅游接待。由于寺院忙于服务游客,越来越少的精力放在教化或参禅之类的“正命”事业上,这不得不引起我们的注意(万丙炎,2005, p.78-79)。虽然,中国禅宗强调没有绝对正确的佛教传播方式,但是对于信息科技的发展我们应给予更多的关注。近些年来,尤其是因特网(当然在港台地区和国外还有卫星传输技术的应用)为佛教在当下的繁荣和发展提供了非常有利的条件。但是,我们在享受着信息科技带来的便利同时,也不断遭到它带来的干扰。和其它领域的问题一样,佛教网络目前也面临一个“信息泛滥”的问题。佛教网站虽多,但精品网站不多,有些网络讯息就是互相转来转去,有些版面设计也缺乏创意、使用起来像和你在捉迷藏,这不符合网络的接口和谐、方便使用者和简单实用原则(Shuman,2003)。信息的重复,在很大程度上也造成不必要的人力资源和自然资源浪费,所以佛教网站也面临着整合资源、合理利用资源、合理分配讯息的瓶颈。

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Science, Information Technology and Buddhist Communication
Yan Xu

Abstract:The sudden success in just about any field has become impossible without information technology. In whatever areas, it apparently sets to change everything that human beings do in advanced society. The new technology requires us not only use the new methods to communicate and promote Buddhism, but also apply the new concepts to gather online Buddhist community, and offer the new social value and spiritual food for the public. This paper will discuss the relationship between science and Buddhism in the first place. Then, it will go on to explore the significance of information technology to Buddhism and discover how it affects Buddhist communication. Lastly, it will try to find out some solutions for Buddhist organizations and individuals to avoid the side effects of information technology today.
Key Words: Science Information Technology Buddhist Communication Media Literacy

The relationship between science and religion is never as simple as people imagine. In the Western world, Christianity did a great contribution to the establishment and development of the modern science. However, the raising of science became the major enemy to the church. Before the Enlightenment Age, religion was the dominate power in the society. The truth was hold in the church’s hands. Anything when the church said it’s right then it’s right. When the church said it’s wrong, then it’s wrong even though it’s right (He, 1998, p.159-163). For instance, the church said the earth is the center of the universe, anyone who challenged the notion would be punished or simply burned to death, such as, Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei. But the punishments didn’t stop the progress of the people’s exploration to truth. The growth of science and reasoning, built up people’s awareness of the universe and themselves. From 17th century onwards, under public pressure, some well-learned theologists already thought the necessity to start the dialogue between religion and modern science (Zhao, 1995, p.635). In this paper I will briefly discuss the relationship between science and Buddhism in the first place. Then, I will go on to talk about the Buddhist perception towards science, and explore the significance of information technology to Buddhism and its effects to Buddhist communication. Lastly, I will try to find out some solutions for Buddhist organizations and individuals to avoid the side effects of information technology.
In the 19 century, after the lost of Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895. The need for fostering Western science, political system, and legislations became the mainstream public thoughts in the era. At the time, Yan Fu, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Zhang Taiyan, Sun Zhongshan and so forth strongly advocated the importance of science for building a strong nation (He, 1998, P.166). Unfortunately, later, this trend led to an extreme, to replace religion with science, arts, or philosophy, for example, Chen Duxiu The, the New Culture Movement advocator, who believed that religion was the enemies of science. For him, all religions were just the products of humans’ imagination. “It is the phenomenon ignored the objects, the reason abandoned the subjects. It is something constructed from nowhere, which stressed the hypothesis but practice... it’s something for uncivilized people in the past… All religious literatures were product of imagination” (Tang, 2007, p.155). In addition, Chen took the stand of the establishment of religion, and predicted that religion would die eventually. He thought science was the right path for humans’ belief, understanding, practice and actualization, then, all religions would be in a category of dump. “Science is the only way to resolve people’s doubts. I proclaim to replace religions with science, this is to open up our true belief. It is slow by finally we will reach there” (Chen, 1917).
Of course, Chen’s view on religion was developed in a specific circumstance. In the early 20th century, under the Western countries’ invasion and colonization, China was split in various territories, which brought endless civil wars and feudal system restoration. Facing the serious crisis, Chinese intellectuals considered the failure of traditional Chinese culture and political system, which constrained the development of China’s social progress and civilians’ consciousness. The way to save China from the crisis was to throw away old Chinese culture and adopted Western science and democracy to form a New Culture. In his latter publication, Chen realized that religion was the big part of the old culture, the New Culture, definitely, cannot be complete without it (Chen, 1920).
In recent years, the fast development of Chinese economy reinforces the advancement of science, many people are wondering what is the Buddhist perception towards it? As Wang (2008, p.29) notes that Buddhism is totally different with Christianity in terms of philosophy, logic, ethics, view of life and the world. The unique way to understand our life and to recognize the world formed the dialogue foundation between Buddhism and science. Huang (2008, p.95) and Yang (2008, p. 141) pointed out that Buddhism is never a religion of anti-science, in contrast, it always accompanies and digests the scientific findings or achievements for its development. This tradition carries forward not only in contemporary China but also in ancient India. Chan Master Shen Yan Shi (1987, p.36-54) also said Buddhism is different with science, but it’s very scientific. It emphases the importance of science, such as, one of the crucial skills for a Bodhisattva is to mater some skills in medical, construction and engineering areas in the ancient time.
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