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[事迹传记] 净土宗初祖庐山慧远大师

发表于 2010-8-17 11:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 22:23 编辑

Master Huiyuan, First Patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism
缅维远公,乘愿再来。创立莲宗,畅佛本怀。 俾诸凡夫,忆念佛名。仗佛慈力,带业往生。 已断惑者,即证无生。证无生者,速圆佛乘。 以果地觉,为因地心。感应道交,利益甚深。 未见涅槃,即宣常住。未见行愿,普导西去。 其所立法,暗与经合。护法菩萨,表自大觉。 罗什举经,深如赞叹。西僧景仰,心香辄献。 千余年来,不闻圆音。幸有遗教,尚可遵循。 伏愿我公,又复示生。普引群伦,同登五清。 印公遗文,模公道貌。庶几来哲,是则是效。
Master Huiyuan (334-416 CE), whose secular surname was Jia, was born in a literary family in Dai County, Shanxi Province. He was a gifted boy and ambitious to learn and think. He was well schooled in Confucianism and Taoism. At the age of 13, he accompanied his uncle to Xuchang and Luoyang in Central China. At the age of 21, he went to Taihang Mountain with his younger brother, Huichi, to attend Master Daoan’s Dharma talks on Mahaprajna-paramita-sutra. Afterwards, he sighed with feeling: “Confucianism, Taoism, and other schools are totally chaff.” He vowed to become a Buddhist monk and to practice with Master Daoan.
As a monk, Master Huiyuan was distinct among others, he was “constantly trying to master the gist of Buddha’s teaching, and felt responsible to spread it.” He practiced very hard on the Path and achieved steadily over time. In the 4th year of Taiyuan (379 CE), Master Huiyuan was traveling with his devotees as they passed by Mount Lu on their way to Luofu Mountain in Guangdong. He found Mount Lu to be very tranquil, and decided it would be the best place for his practice. After this, he stayed in Dragon Spring (Longquan) Temple, and it was here he initiated the building of Donglin Monastery.
In the first year of Yuanxing (402 CE), Master Huiyuan started the White Lotus Society with 123 monks and lay Buddhists, including Huiyong, Huichi, and Daosheng. They took their vows in front of Buddha Amitabha’s Statue and vowed to focus on the Buddha’s Name Chanting Samadhi. Accordingly, Master Huiyuan had seen the Buddha three times in his Samadhi (deep meditation). Lay Buddhist Liu Yimin also saw the Buddha after a half-year’s practice. The Buddha appeared in the sky, the whole universe was lit up by his golden beam. Many masters of the Pure Land School followed his way of practice and formed various societies afterwards. Donglin Monastery became the first ever Pure Land patriarch’s court in Chinese Buddhism. Master Huiyuan was widely recognized as the founding father of the School.
Based in Donglin Monastery, Master Huiyuan practiced, preached, encouraged others, and wrote books for over 30 years. For 30 years, he did not walk out of the monastery. His achievements and his name were well known and praised by Master Kumarajiva, one of the four greatest Buddhist sutra translators as “the Bodhisattva of Dharma protection in the Eastern world.” Thus, Donglin monastery became the center of Buddhist learning in Southern China, in comparison with Chang’an where Master Kumarajiva lived in Northern China.
Master Huiyuan predicted his date of death and told his devotees about his true encounters with Amitabha. When the date came, he passed away in a sitting meditation position. He lived for 83 years.
发表于 2010-8-17 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 22:23 编辑

发表于 2010-8-17 20:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 报恩行宁 于 2016-7-5 22:23 编辑

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